Posts in IP News

Don’t Steal My Avatar! Challenges of Social Networking Patents

What do you think of my jumping buddy over there? Let’s call him “George”. George is just one example of the enormous number of inventions being made to serve our newly emerging social networking economy. George was created using a patent pending process called Evolver. He’s an avatar that can be transported to any number of different full immersion virtual world networking sites. Many new companies are forming to commercialize these new social networking innovations. They are also filing patent applications. They have many challenges ahead of them to get those patents.

Combating Copyright Infringement: DMCA Take Down Notices

We shouldn’t fool ourselves and try and pretend that the lack of respect for intellectual property rights is limited to those who seek to share movies, music or make a buck selling knock-off products. Everyone who produces original content on the Internet is at risk of having that content stolen; simply cut and pasted onto some other website or blog. Even if it is not passed off as original content and you do get “credit” the copyist is using your work for their own benefit. They are stealing eyeballs, diverting traffic and likely costing you money. At the very least, they are free riding, which is a hard pill to swallow.

PLI’s Winter 2011 Schedule Full of Great IP Programs

I am really looking forward to these PLI programs in particular. I will be signed up to attend via webcast the programs I cannot make live, and I will be in in Chicago, IL in March for the Patent Bar Review Course and in New York City for the 5th Annual Patent Law Institute from February 17-18, 2011. If your firm is a privileged member you can attend these and all other PLI programs for free, with the exception of the Patent Bar Review Course.

Patent Office Orders Reexamination of Tax Related Patent

Typically the Patent Office allows patent owners and third parties to sort out whether a reexamination is necessary. The thought process is that there is no need to waste precious examining resources to reexamine a patent that no one cares about or is enforcing. Thus, something out of the ordinary happened here, although what exactly is impossible to tell. Perhaps the Patent Office was taking some heat on Capitol Hill for these types of patents or perhaps someone just stumbled on something that made them scratch their heads and wonder. It is all just a matter of speculation.

Change Needed to USPTO Power of Attorney Form

I bet most patent attorneys and patent agents have never thought about it, but if you look at the Power of Attorney form provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office the attorney or agent does not need to sign. In fact, there isn’t even a place on the form for the patent attorney or patent agent to sign. I never thought about it myself, at least not until an inventor decided to submit a Power of Attorney form in two pending cases naming me as the attorney of record. The trouble is that I didn’t represent the inventor, and in fact had previously told the inventor in no uncertain terms that I would not engage the inventor as a client. So I was shanghaied, so to speak. The worst part is that despite the truth of the situation, the Office of Petitions has not yet seen fit to release me as the attorney of record in one of the two cases.

Hatch-Waxman at the Supreme Court: Supporting Cert. in Cipro

One of the most debated issues in patent and antitrust law today involves pharmaceutical patent settlements. Brand-name drug manufacturers pay generic firms to settle patent litigation and delay entering the market. How should the antitrust laws respond? The Cipro case presents an ideal vehicle for Supreme Court review. It involves a simple, undisputed payment from brand to generic to delay entering the market.

Patents, Innovation and Job Creation: A Virtuous Circle

Innovation and entrepreneurship are central pillars of America’s economic strength and critical vehicles for job creation. Reporter John Schmid of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote an article that was published on Sunday, January 16, 2011, aptly depicting the problems facing would-be job creators. Schmid wrote in part of his article about a professor from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee who needed 11 years to obtain a patent on his revolutionary invention. How many jobs were lost as a result of unacceptably slow processing by the Patent Office?

Apple and Microsoft Fight Over “APP STORE” Trademark App

The Apple application for “APP STORE” is currently in opposition proceedings at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. Here’s the skinny in 4th grade prose. Back in ’08, Apple opened up its first app store. Shortly thereafter, it filed a trademark application for “APP STORE” in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). The Examiner said “No way! That mark is descriptive!” Apple said “Nu-uh!” Examiner said “Yes huh!” Apple said, “Nu-uh!!!”, and appealed. Examiner said “OK, fine” and published the application for opposition. Then Microsoft said, “No way! That mark is descriptive!”

A Patent Legislative Agenda, What Congress Should Do in 2011

Realistically, I understand full well that it is unlikely that Congress will bother themselves with reform efforts that are sensible, at least at the moment. It is also unlikely that innovators will be adequately represented in any reform efforts once they do arise. It seems that the power structure in Washington, D.C. believes that the term “innovator” and “big business” are synonymous, which surely they are not. It is also unlikely the Senate will move beyond the legislation Senator Leahy wants so badly but can’t seem to move. Thus, if we really want sensible reform that actually raises up the Patent Office and guarantees the value of patents for innovators we need to be ever vigilant.

Blogging for Profit or Notoriety: Observations and Strategies

If you are going to go down the path of blogging for profit or for notoriety you need to have a well developed sense of what your market is interested in when you set out to write. Copying others isn’t likely a winning strategy, but identifying what you like, what you can provide and what you want to do are all essential. Then you need to think about the reader. You know the mantra — know your audience. It is certainly helpful to write what interests you because, in my view, that which you are interested in and passionate about makes for great reading, but it is also important to give readers what they want otherwise you won’t build an audience, or you will lose the audience you do have.

Trade Secrets: A Valuable and Often Overlooked Asset

Trade secrets are a very important part of any intellectual property portfolio. It is not at all an overstatement to say that virtually every business has trade secrets worth protection, regardless of whether the business is run as a sole proprietorship, a small business or Fortune 500 company. This is true because any business information that is valuable as a result of being kept secret qualifies for treatment as a trade secret. Nevertheless, it may be better to say that every business has assets that could and should be protected as trade secrets, but the truth is that many companies, even large companies, fail to do so properly.

Patent Office Launches Online Forum to Discuss the MPEP

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has recently launched an online forum titled Discuss the MPEP, which as the title suggests will allow interested individuals to discuss sections of the MPEP. The goal of this discussion forum is to provide the editors of the MPEP with information useful when considering re-writing the MPEP. The goal for versions of the MPEP to come is to create a document hat will enable both practitioners and examiners to find information quickly, get accurate and complete guidance, and ensure that all patent applications comply with the laws and regulations governing the patent system.

USPTO Announces Impending Update to Patent Bar Exam

This announcement signals a major shift in the way would-be patent attorneys and patent agents will be tested, bringing the exam forward to test the latest developments in rules and laws. It can be reasonably anticipated that the patent bar exam will become a moving target as the Kappos Administration continues to move forward with initiative after initiative and rules package after rules package. Those preparing to take the exam need to be mindful of the need to stay current and not rely upon outdated study guides, reference materials and old questions when studying for the exam.

The Roberts Supreme Court: Pro-Business and Anti-Patent?

The latest edition of Fortune magazine has John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, on the cover proclaiming the Roberts Court to be the most pro-business court we have ever seen. So how can it be that the Roberts Court, which has shown hostility toward innovators and contempt for patents that is unusual, is considered pro-business? On top of that, the Roberts Court seems poised to strike at the very heart of the patent right granted by the United States federal government; namely the presumption of validity. That sure doesn’t sound very pro-business to me.

The PTO Paradox: A Gatekeeper Mired in the Past

I believe it is time for the PTO to jump aboard the ship of the future and use document and data search techniques now being employed in the litigation and national security arenas. Many tools (software approaches) exist that multiply effort and get smarter with each go around. I believe these tools should have a place at the PTO. Search techniques that build on what others have done and that search not just publications, but file histories as well, would give examiners a leg up when trying to assess patentability and truly understand what references can and should be cited to demonstrate. Machine translation of foreign language art would also be very useful. The abstracts just do not provide enough for an Examiner to go on for foreign references. And, in many areas, foreign art is the best.