Exploring the Misguided Notion that ‘Merely Doing It on A Computer’ Negates Eligibility

“I believe PERA to be a needed step to improve our patent system. However, this ‘merely stating … do it on a computer’ language [barring eligibility] stands out as a problem to me [as] inventing by using a computer…become[s] a lot easier.”

PERAThe U.S. Supreme Court’s Alice decision alleges that “…merely requiring generic computer implementation fails to transform that abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention.” And the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA) of 2023 alleges that “adding a non-essential reference to a computer by merely stating, ‘do it on a computer’ shall not establish such eligibility.” Clearly, it is assumed that “merely” doing something on a computer or “merely” saying “do it on a computer” is not a desirable thing in the eyes of some; a computer supposedly invalidates the inventive effort and “merely” doing something on a computer is undeserving of even consideration of a patent.

But no person of ordinary skill at this stage can say “just do it on a computer” and make it work. Not yet, anyway. We all have to go through the arduous process of programming. The “just do it on a computer” allegation is a myth. However, that is about to change.

Novel Cryptography

Here is a real-life and recent computer implemented invention that I made, related to machine cryptography. I use it because it is not hypothetical. And because I developed and implemented it on a computer.  It is inspired by computer implemented radix-n addition. In the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), (the world’s most widely used encryption standard), one component is a step called AddRoundKey(). This is a processing of four blocks of 32-bits. It is performed during encryption and may be reversed during decryption. It is a computationally simple operation, a carry-less addition. I treat a 32-bit word as four eight-bit words that are processed as a radix-256 addition using the carry-less addition with a novel carry. The carry function is modified in an unpredictable way. Decryption may be a subtraction with a corresponding modified borrow function. The result looks like a random number, with randomness increasing due to unpredictable carry propagation. It is no longer what we understand to be an addition. It is a composite computer operation. It works, I programmed it, and it has aspects that dramatically increase security of encryption like AES-GCM and ChaCha20.

In the context of PERA, I make my claims “practical” by requiring a minimum performance like an equivalent of processing at least 1 million bytes per second and limiting it to exchange of data between computers.

An opponent likely will argue that this is “just” a mathematical discovery. Unusual, but mathematical none the less. And what I did was “merely” executing the abstract discovery on a computer. So, what is it? Did I make it practical on a computer as protected by PERA or did I just “merely do it” on a computer, as alleged by PERA?

Doing it “merely … on a computer” has two meanings. The first one is implementing something we already know on a computer. The second one is to ask a computer to do something that for some reason we cannot or do not want to do ourselves.

A further example. I need a primitive polynomial of degree 100 over a large base field GF(256), which itself is an extension field. A mind-numbing exercise. Turns out it may be achieved with the help of the public Magma Calculator. But it still requires non-trivial programming steps.

Currently, you cannot “merely” instruct ChatGPT or other AI to do any of the above. I tried. But recommended instructions regress rapidly to almost programming it yourself. AI keeps repeating the wrong code even after being instructed to change. Not unlike a GPS system that persists in guiding you back to an undesirable route. In fact, AI’s coding is quite buggy. Errors are made by AI in basic syntax and in concepts and solutions are often, especially in my field, more complicated than needed. It forces a very incremental way of programming that is tiresome to an experienced programmer.

But, one can already see, how ChatGPT or Bard, with some extra capabilities, may improve and be able to deliver executable code by “merely” asking for it in general terms. In which case an invention was “merely done on a computer.” One may then allege that you have really no idea what you are effectively doing and that you are “merely using a computer” to get a result.  This is what SCOTUS says: “Thus, if a patent’s recitation of a computer amounts to a mere instruction to “implemen[t]” an abstract idea “on . . . a computer,” Mayo, supra, at ___ (slip op., at 16), that addition cannot impart patent eligibility.

The “mere” thus refers not only to a “known” idea, but to any “abstract” idea. We expect that PERA will get rid of the SCOTUS judicial exceptions, but PERA’s “merely” clause brings it right back in. Despite “Patentability shall not be negated by the manner in which the invention was made” there continue to be efforts to shut out not only computer implemented inventions, but also computer assisted inventions.

Doing it on a Computer Facilitates Inventions!

In the future, AI will assist in generating inventions based on what you may call an inventor’s “brain fart.” AI will democratize inventing. What I did as described above and with considerable efforts and based on knowledge of Number Theory may then be done by anyone having some “idea.” Just try it and if viable, AI will generate the code. Some subject knowledge will be required, but not to the extent to do it yourself. Not unlike designing a digital filter, where you specify its parameters such as frequency range, stop and pass bands and the like, but a computer computes the actual filter coefficients. But several steps more advanced.

The Internet promoted democratizing inventions. Many of those inventions were stopped being patent eligible as “mere business methods”, ignoring the fact that integrated transactions over multiple networks were nothing short of miraculous before ERP systems (and cryptographic security) came to be. We likely will see these “stopping” efforts again against AI assisted inventions that are submitted for patents.

As AI may democratize inventing, our patent system is showing a reversing anti-democratizing trend, favoring big infringers and working against small inventors. This is particularly troublesome as we attempt to out-innovate China. It is telling that AI and its launch as a public product is again (like the Internet) an American phenomenon. Not a Chinese one, not a Japanese one and not even a European one. It is a strength of the American inventor to apply new technologies, materials and concepts into new inventions. No matter how daunting. We need to keep that alive for the small inventors.

I believe PERA to be a needed step to improve our patent system. However, this “merely stating … do it on a computer” language stands out as a problem to me. Inventing by using a computer may—no, will—become a lot easier. And not just in code generation, but in drug development and other areas where modeling and simulation are essential and self-correcting feedback will lead to self-improvement of the AI application.

I believe AI still will need prompting by an inventor to get started. The “prompts” will become much more advanced as many suggestions for improvement will come from AI itself.  That is why future efforts of reducing an idea to practice may become in many cases “merely doing it on a computer.” Which may diminish human efforts and lead to inventions on a level we never imagined. Which I believe is a good thing.

But …! It may entice SCOTUS to reinstate patent ineligibility when asked to do so on this matter. Not as a judicial exception this time, like in the past when this Court started defining exceptions to patent eligibility on its own, culminating in the damaging Alice v. CLS Bank decision, but this time because Congress intends “merely computer implemented” to be ineligible. The current text of PERA disparages “merely” doing it on a computer, without defining what that means. And in view of AI, the issue of “merely doing it on a computer” will become more urgent.

Image Source: Deposit Photos
Author: donscarpo
Image ID: 9469910 


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8 comments so far.

  • [Avatar for Anon]
    December 13, 2023 06:31 pm


    To you last comment, I have pointed out the Hobson’s choice facing those – especially those who deign AI to be ‘just a tool.”

    AI is either

    a) an inventor (albeit non-human), or
    b) NOT an inventor.

    If b), then ANYTHING that AI outputs MUST be taken as merely showing something already extant to that other non-human legal fiction known as the Person Having Ordinary Skill In The Art.

    And for EITHER a) or b), ANY claimed invention having a portion to which no human can claim legal inventorship to, runs the definite risk of either obviousness OR non-enforcement due to either FRAUD on the office (for claiming a full invention for humans only, or not naming all inventive entities).

    The current legal state is simply one — much like in copyright law with the Simian Selfie – that there are works to which innovation protection cannot be obtained.

    As I have also provided, this is a critical aspect of the nature of US patent law, with the inchoate right attaching to human creation by way of Lockean ideology.

  • [Avatar for Peter Lablans]
    Peter Lablans
    December 13, 2023 12:58 pm

    Another concern related to AI is obviousness. We currently do not have enough information what AI’s impact on this issue will be. And because I introduce AI in my article, I would like to also say something how I personally work with AI.

    AI denies that it integrates current conversations into training data. But that may change in the future. In that case one may be training AI to render an invention obvious in hindsight by having conversations about it. This may become an unintended consequence of conversations with AI about an invention.

    I wanted to let readers know that on novel aspects of inventions, I decided to probe AI only on (what I consider) significant inventions after having filed at least a provisional patent application on the subject matter and after having done non-AI based searches.

    I also decided to keep a date stamped record of some of these conversations as evidence that AI is unable to provide a working solution related to the invention under discussion.

    It is not unthinkable that, after having had access to new training data, AI may be able to reconstruct in hindsight as obvious an invention. In many cases, merely a question related to a problem may be enough to construct a solution. At the time of a USPTO rejection or in a court case one may not have access to AI at a point of training data prior to publication of your application.

    We are in uncharted territory and some preventive measures may be in order. I am not enough expert in AI to write an article about it. So I have inserted this as a comment. Perhaps others are able to provide relevant comments or insights on current use of AI and obviousness.

    PS Sometimes we are over-estimating AI’s capabilities. When I asked AI for prior art on my carry-based invention it referred me to the “Feng Feng Carry”, including the article that describes that concept. It sounded serious enough that I searched for it. It is completely made up.

  • [Avatar for concerned]
    December 12, 2023 08:13 am

    A generic computer attached to a shoebox, which somehow the combination cures cancer and solves world hunger, is not an invention. Just ask the courts.

    The results are just the abstract idea of curing illness and feeding people.

    It takes learned people to state the preceding and act accordingly in a legal setting.

  • [Avatar for Pro Say]
    Pro Say
    December 11, 2023 08:06 pm

    “Alice also expressly held that claims that do not risk such preemption of a building block or abstract idea are patent eligible under Section 101.”

    And yet the courts — lead by the off-the-eligibility-rails CAFC — and PTO refuse to give any weight when no preemption is factually proven.

    Even worse than getting the courts and PTO to give the proper weight to secondary factors of non-obviousness.

    Far worse.

  • [Avatar for What Alice actually held.]
    What Alice actually held.
    December 11, 2023 04:33 pm


    Alice did not hold that “merely doing it on a computer” renders a computing process ineligible. Rather, it only held that, if a claim “directed to” performing a fundamental prior art building block or abstract idea on a computer would in practice preempt the building block or abstract idea, then the process is patent ineligible because, in the Court’s view, it would risk stifling of innovation contrary to the Constitutional purpose of the patent system — again, in the Court’s view. Alice, 573 U.S. at 217. Conversely, Alice also expressly held that claims that do not risk such preemption of a building block or abstract idea are patent eligible under Section 101. Id.

    It is true, however, that the lower courts and PTO frequently do not appreciate Alice’s relatively narrow holding and its reasoning underlying its holding, which is not to say that Alice should not be reversed or severely limited further.

  • [Avatar for B]
    December 11, 2023 02:32 pm

    PERA is a disaster in the making.

    If PERA is the best that the brightest legal minds can do, we need better legal minds.

  • [Avatar for Pro Say]
    Pro Say
    December 11, 2023 01:40 pm

    You got that right Peter.

    PERA — as currently written — would merely(!) trade one innovation-killer for another.

    Congress: Either strip away the unneeded Section 101, or fix PERA to permit unquestioned patent eligibility availability for all areas of innovation.

    Including those areas where computers are needed.

    Otherwise, make learning Mandarin a graduation requirement in all U.S. schools.

  • [Avatar for Anon]
    December 11, 2023 11:13 am

    You alight upon a Trojan Horse, that many (especially including me) have LONG pointed out.