Posts Tagged: "technology"

The FTC’s Qualcomm Case Reveals Concerning Divide with DOJ on Patent Hold-Up

On May 2, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) took the unusual step of submitting a Statement of Interest in the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) case against Qualcomm to take a position contrary to the FTC. The DOJ argued that “[b]ecause an overly broad remedy could result in reduced innovation, with the potential to harm American consumers, this Court should hold a hearing and order additional briefing to determine a proper remedy that protects competition while working minimal harm to public and private interests.” In response, the FTC informed the court that it “did not participate in or request” the DOJ’s filing, that it “disagree[d] with a number of contentions” made by the DOJ, and that the DOJ “misconstrues applicable law and the record.” In the end, the court agreed with the FTC and issued injunctive relief against Qualcomm without conducting the further remedy proceedings the DOJ advocated. The public feuding between the two federal antitrust enforcement agencies about how to resolve a case litigated by one them was a remarkable spectacle. It also brought into focus a broader divide between the FTC and DOJ on the role of antitrust law in addressing patents that are essential to industry standards (SEPs) and subject to commitments to license on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms.

Congress Must Work to Understand the Language of Inventors

One of the more dramatic moments in my $20 million dollar patent brawl occurred in the pivotal preliminary injunction hearing at the courthouse in downtown Tyler, Texas. I learned that Walmart was coming to monitor the proceedings. I think they were curious to meet the crazy inventor who dared to sue the largest retailer on the planet. The proposal on the table was that I dismiss the suit with prejudice (i.e., drop the suit and waive all my rights) or else Walmart would never buy another product from my exclusive licensee, Zuru—no balloons, no robotic fish, no dart guns. Distraught, I hid in a side room and didn’t show for the meeting where my lawyers had advised me to capitulate. Curiosity heightened; the Walmart attorney unexpectedly suspended all demands and invited me to sit down and explain my point of view. I pointed to the infringing spiral-faced Battle Balloons and told her they were selling my invention without permission, thereby harming me and my family. The Walmart attorney was flummoxed and suggested that I didn’t understand how the patent system worked and was overreaching. Here I was claiming to have invented this apparatus that looked different than mine. It had a spiral face and mine was flat. This is the problem with our patent system; it is run by people who don’t understand invention. Think about it, we have to use this bizarre legal document not only to describe our discovery but to describe the boundaries of it. For inventors, there are no boundaries—why would we stop applying and extending our discoveries? We do our best to describe it, but in the end, non-inventors write and interpret the laws that determine our rights.

Supreme Court Refusal to Hear Investpic Signals Death for Most Software Patent Applications

The Investpic v. SAP America case (Supreme Court Dkt. No. 18-1199), which is the 44th patent eligibility case to be considered for certiorari since the notorious Alice Corp. decision, was announced earlier this week. Cert. denied. Unlike almost any other case, the Investpic decision represents a hostility to the patent rights of software developers based on capricious foundations. The Federal Circuit’s holding is inconsistent with the statutory language of Section 101, the holding is hostile to Section 112(f), and the holding has no nexus to preemption. Investpic is just one of Judge Taranto’s latest monstrosities that holds that a patent must be based on a “physical realm improvement” of the sort that has an “inventive concept.” Investpic also holds that one isn’t allowed to use functional claim language, and that algorithms are unworthy of patent protection.

Federal Circuit in Mayne Pharma: Reasonable Mistake Identifying a Real-Party-In-Interest Does Not Doom IPR Petition

The Federal Circuit last week upheld a PTAB final written decision invalidating Mayne Pharma’s U.S. Patent 6,881,745 over its objection that the petition for inter partes review (IPR) filed by Merck Sharpe & Dohme (MSD) was fatally defective for having omitted parent corporation Merck & Co., Inc. as a real-party-in-interest. Mayne Pharma Int’l v. Merck Sharp & Dohme, Case No. 2018-1593 (Fed. Cir. June 21, 2019). Because Merck would have had to add its parent as an RPI in the proceeding after the one-year time bar had lapsed, Mayne argued the error was not correctable. The Federal Circuit rejected this view, holding that the Board has authority to make corrections to a petition that are “in the interest of justice.” This decision suggests that form will not be elevated over substance in addressing the one-year IPR time bar of Section 315(b).

India’s Patent Law is No Model for the United States: Say No to No Combination Drug Patents Act

The United States is on the brink of making changes to the U.S. patent law that would be modeled on India’s Patent Law. At a Senate Judiciary Committee markup scheduled for tomorrow, June 27, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) plans to offer language as an amendment in the form of the No Combination Drug Patents Act. The language of the bill would prohibit the patenting of new forms, new uses and new methods of administration of new medicines unless the patent applicant can show “a statistically significant increase in efficacy”. This language is oddly similar to India’s Section 3(d), something the Trump Administration’s U.S. Trade Representative has complained “restricts patent eligible subject matter in a way that poses a major obstacle to innovators” (see here, page 49). Other Senators have also weighed in against “a generally deteriorating environment for intellectual property” in India (see here), including Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Judiciary Committee members Mike Crapo (R-ID), Amy Klobuchar(D-MN)and Chris Coons (D-CT).

This Week on Capitol Hill: SCOTUS Grants Cert in Two IP Cases and Strikes Down Bar on Immoral/ Scandalous Marks; Plus, AI in Counterterrorism and Fintech, Copyright Office Oversight

This week on Capitol Hill and vicinity, the Supreme Court issues its decision in Iancu v. Brunetti and issues orders in several other IP cases. Meanwhile, various House committees will explore the Federal Communications Commission’s broadband Internet coverage maps, state and local government cybersecurity issues, voting technologies, fintech, federal agency IT acquisition and artificial intelligence. Senate committee hearings this week will look at emerging technologies in surface transportation, the persuasive effects of machine learning in Internet platforms as well as a pair of drug patent bills. Elsewhere, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation hosts an event looking at the effect of global trade tensions on technology supply chains and the Brookings Institution considers the potential of privacy legislation to address concerns with digital information-sharing systems.

USPTO Commissioner for Patents on Life Five Years After Alice: We’ve Come a Long Way

Panelists in this past Thursday’s IPWatchdog webinar, “Dissecting Alice,” gave credit to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for the steps it has taken to minimize the damage caused by the courts’ lack of action on patent eligibility, but expressed concern that it simply isn’t enough. USPTO Commissioner for Patents Drew Hirshfeld joined the webinar to report on the progress made since the decision came out and said that, while Alice undoubtedly caused some confusion and disarray for practitioners, “we’re in a better place today than we were two or five years ago.” Hirshfeld explained that the Office’s initial approach to providing guidance for examiners on Alice was to use a “case law matching process,” which eventually became untenable after years of case law had built up. He said that the January 2019 Guidance—which Hirshfeld noted is also binding on the Patent Trial and Appeal Board—was developed over an intensive eight-month period by a small team of people that included Director Andrei Iancu himself and involved at least one full Sunday. He added that the examiner training effort for the 101 Guidance has also been more thorough than any he’s seen in his 25 years at the USPTO. The Office is currently in the process of developing additional concrete case examples for examiners and practitioners to work with in order to further enhance the guidance.

Inventors Must Oppose the Draft Section 101 Legislation

When it was announced that I would be testifying to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on IP about Section 101, I was surprised. Not only did they grant a critic of the 101 roundtables a chance to speak, but not one inventor who used patents to fund a startup has testified in any patent-related hearing in decades. This gave me faith that Senators Tillis and Coons are serious about fixing 101 right by considering what inventors need. When the hearing was announced, several inventors contacted me. They wanted to personally tell their stories to Congress. They trusted the government to protect them, but instead lost their careers, their secrets, and their investments of hard work and money. A few even lost their families, their home, or their health. The inventors were happy about eliminating all 101 exceptions, but the draft language of 100(k) and 112(f) transfer the damage to those sections.

Last Week at the PTAB: Comcast Denied Petitions Against Rovi; Wins Six Joinder Motions

During the week of June 10, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) issued institution decisions for 21 petitions seeking inter partes review (IPR) proceedings to challenge the validity of patents. In all, the PTAB instituted seven IPRs, denied eight, and terminated another six after granting motions for joinder. That latter group of IPRs were petitioned by and, both of whom were successful in joining Shopify IPRs challenging the validity of three patents owned by DDR Holdings. The most IPR denials last week were issued to Comcast, but those petitions were denied in large part because they all challenged a patent which already had a pending IPR proceeding instituted against it. Other successful petitions at the PTAB included three IPRs instituted for 3Shape A/S, two IPRS instituted for ASM IP Holding, and one instituted for Cook Incorporated.

Perspective: Weakening Alice Will Weaken the U.S. Patent System’s Second Engine of Innovation

Today is Alice’s fifth birthday; some may not be celebrating, but as a birthday gift, John Vandenberg argues the decision was not new law and should not be abrogated. – On the third day of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee – IP Subcommittee’s hearings this month on whether to radically revise the standards for patent eligibility, I testified on behalf of our patent system’s under-appreciated second engine of innovation. Below are some of the key arguments I made in my oral and written testimony and my thoughts on why the Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank decision was good law that should not be abrogated. Much of the anti-Alice commentary touts our patent system’s first engine of innovation, which uses the lure of monopoly profits or royalties to incentivize innovation and the public disclosure of those innovations. Today’s Sec. 101 jurisprudence is said to harm that first engine of innovation, particularly in life sciences where it is easier to get a patent in Europe and China than in the U.S., causing investment in personalized therapy and medicine R&D in the U.S. to suffer. While some question those factual premises, the “101 status quo” camp primarily responds that Alice (along with IPRs) has curtailed abusive patent troll litigation, cutting patent litigation costs by 40% or more. But, another important point has received little attention: expanding what can be patented, and how claimed, risks harming our patent system’s second engine of innovation.

Arguing Device-and-Method Eligibility Under the Present and Future States of U.S. Patent Law

Here’s the hypothetical: A patent application has been filed for a new medical device. The device reads various physiological signals from a patient and presents, with previously unheard-of accuracy and reliability, the condition of the patient’s immune system.

Your client, who made a heavy investment in research and development of this device, wants U.S. patent protection, and is willing to pursue remedies in court if necessary.

A patent application has been filed. The subject matter has been claimed as a device and as a method. The claimed method recites actions performed with the physical components of the device.
To your client’s disappointment, a hypothetical examiner has rejected the claims as patent ineligible under section 101. The examiner relied principally upon the case of Electric Power Group, LLC v. Alstom, 830 F.3d 1350 (Fed. Cir. 2018), concluding that the method claims and the device claims “are directed to a patent-ineligible concept, namely, collecting information, analyzing it, and displaying certain results of the collection and analysis.”  If the “directed to” inquiry means that patent eligibility depends upon what the device does, then the examiner has a legitimate point invoking the Electric Power case. Your client’s device does indeed collect information, analyze that information, and display the results of the analysis. Even though the examiner had a legitimate point, that does not mean the examiner is correct; but it does mean that there is a good chance that the examiner will not reverse the stated position on ineligibility. You have, therefore, advised your client of the foreseeability that your quest for patent protection will have to go to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), and may well end up in court. Your client is ready to go the distance. Your immediate job is to respond to the pending rejection. You must argue in favor of patent eligibility under section 101. You must preserve the arguments you expect to make in the foreseeable appeals, even if you have confidence that the examiner’s ruling on patent eligibility will not be reversed by the examiner. You do not want to be in the position where an appellate tribunal points out that you are making arguments for the first time on appeal.

This Week on Capitol Hill: Drone Security Developments, Clean Energy Innovations, and Think Tanks Look at Patent Reform and Drug Pricing

This week, the U.S. Senate will hold hearings on enhancing drone innovation and addressing cybersecurity concerns; reducing prescription drug prices; and developments in geothermal energy technologies. The House of Representatives will host a hearing on clean energy tech development as well as a markup meeting on a proposed bill to increase participation in STEM careers. Meanwhile, think tanks the American Enterprise Institute and the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation will take a look at the patent reform debate with Representative Steve Stivers (R-OH) and explore the potential effects of proposed drug pricing reforms on innovation in the pharmaceutical sector, respectively.

Forging Ahead After Losing an Alice Appeal

It’s tough to fight on after losing an Alice appeal, but that’s just what most applicants are doing. An “Alice appeal” is an appeal of a patent rejection under 35 U.S.C. 101 for lack of statutory subject matter. The major field of these patents is business methods (class 705). More than half of business method applicants that are losing Alice appeals are taking action to keep their applications alive. The reasons for renewed hopes include the new 2019 Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance that came out in January, as well as the current movement in Congress to clarify 35 U.S.C. 101. With hope on the horizon, now is not the time to give up. The table below gives some recent examples of how both large and small applicants are continuing to prosecute their patent applications after losing an Alice appeal.

Supreme Court Denies 43rd Petition for Cert on 101 Grounds in Villena v. Iancu

Villena v. Iancu (Supreme Court Dkt. No. 18-1223), which is the 43rd patent eligibility case to be considered for certiorari since the notorious Alice Corp. decision, was denied cert. on June 10. Villena would have been the 45th patent eligibility case to be considered for certiorari, but the Supreme Court kicked the can over to the Solicitor General for both Vanda Pharmaceuticals and Berkheimer, which happen to be Alice/Mayo cases in which the Federal Circuit held the inventions at issue to be patent eligible. That’s no coincidence. The rough probability of waiting through 43 petitions outlining the capricious decisions from the lower courts before the Supreme Court might generate a “yes” to certiorari is well-above one standard deviation and approaching two standard deviations. It is beyond evident that the Supreme Court refuses to clean up its own mess and will continue to do so for the indefinite future.

Federal Circuit to University of Minnesota: No State Sovereign Immunity For You

The Federal Circuit today ruled that The University of Minnesota (UMN)—an arm of the state of Minnesota—is not protected by state sovereign immunity from a number of inter partes review (IPR) petitions filed against UMN patents. Regents of the University of Minnesota v. LSI Corporation and Avago Technologies U.S. Inc (Fed. Circ., 2018-1559). The Court, in an opinion authored by Judge Dyk, relied heavily on its 2018 decision in Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe v. Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc., 896 F.3d 1322 (Fed. Cir. 2018), which found that “tribal sovereign immunity cannot be asserted in IPRs.” Despite UMN’s arguments to the contrary, the Federal Circuit answered a question left open in its decision in Saint Regis Mohawk by concluding today that “the differences between tribal and state sovereign immunity do not warrant a departure from the reasoning in Saint Regis.”