Posts Tagged: "John White"

Bilski: Eyewitness Report and Expert Analysis

On Monday, November 9, 2009, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the much anticipated Bilski case, which could well decide once and for all whether business methods and software remain patentable in the United States. I will be in attendance at the oral argument, which will take place after a lunch recess.

The Empire Strikes Back, Intellectual Ventures Style

It seems that Intellectual Ventures, the patent absorbing company founded by former Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold, is starting to head where we all knew they eventually would, which is in the direction of turning to patent litigation against those who are unwilling to cave into their licensing demands. And can you guess who is associated with a current patent litigation where the patent can be traced back to IV ownership? None other than notorious patent troll litigator Ray Niro. You can just hear the Darth Vader music playing in the background, can’t you?

Nominations: Deputy Commish for Patent Examination Policy

Lets be perfectly clear, the Patent Office does not call me and ask my input regarding anything, which should be readily apparent to those who read regularly.  Had the Patent Office done so, and actually taken my suggestions to heart the Department of Justice would not have needed to ask the Federal Circuit to hold off on taking the…