Trade Secret IP Protection & Litigation: Boston

IPWatchdog is pleased to inform readers that North America’s first industry-led trade secret series is coming to the east coast this year for Trade Secret IP Protection & Litigation: Boston (September 19-20 | Hilton Boston Back Bay).

Following successful events in Brussels and San Diego, Trade Secret IP Protection & Litigation is coming to Boston with an audience of 100+ including over 50% cross-industry in-house counsel to examine the practical implication of Trade Secret misappropriation case law, risk mitigation strategies, and cost-effective methods for implementing a comprehensive trade secret protection framework. Find out more here.

Since the introduction of Defend Trade Secret Act and EU Directive 2016, the importance of how to strengthen the protection of your trade secret IP has quickly formed an integral part of a company’s Global IP strategy. Global IP Strategy Hub is connecting senior IP and General Counsels from the innovative companies across the East Coast with the judicial and regulatory officials focusing on this timely topic.

Why attend in September:

  • Form a comprehensive IP strategy by interacting with representatives from the leading innovative companies from across the East Coast including Meta, Intel, IBM and Kite Pharma
  • Discover prosecution and defense trade secret litigation strategy alongside: Jim Pooley, Greenberg Traurig, Valo Health and Sun World
  • Gain practical methods of trade secret IP protection and discover the fundamental misappropriation risks with our cross-industry in-house panels

For the full list of sessions and speakers at the summit in September, click here.

Book here by Friday, August 18th to save $200.


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