Introducing Leo Patent Law Office: One Firm, Two Jurisdictions

August 17, 2023: Today we proudly announce the launch of our patent law firm in Europe. Leo Patent Law Office files and prosecutes both US and European patent applications, ensuring clients receive seamless and comprehensive patent protection.

“We are thrilled to introduce Leo Patent Law Office” said Ronny Amirsehhi, Founder and Managing Partner. “Our firm’s ability to handle both US and European patent applications under one roof sets us apart. We understand the intricate nuances and varying requirements of these two key jurisdictions, allowing us to provide a streamlined and cost-effective patent strategy for our clients.”

The Key feature of the Leo Patent Law Office is its capability to directly file and prosecute US patent applications before the USPTO directly from Europe in addition to representing clients before the European Patent Office and Unified Patent Court.

For inquiries, please contact:

Ronny Amirsehhi, LL.M.-IP
Patent Attorney (USPTO, EPO, UPC)
USPTO Reg. No. 61,419
EPO Reg. No. 9261360


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