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Elizabeth Rothman


Law Office of Elizabeth Rothman

Elizabeth Rothman is an attorney located in Los Angeles, California with over a decade of legal practice experience specializing in intellectual property, healthcare, and the emerging technology space. She advises businesses, funds, and policymakers on the implications of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and extended reality technologies. In addition to her law practice, she is currently an advisor with The Cantellus Group, XR Safety Initiative, and the Artificial Inventor Project.

Recent Articles by Elizabeth Rothman

Defining Data: Improving Terminology Around Generative AI Models

The generative artificial intelligence (AI) revolution the world is currently experiencing is powered by data. But what exactly are “data” and how can we make the term fit for use in the complex landscape of generative AI? In simple terms, data in this context can be any digitally formatted information. However, there is an inconsistency in the usage and understanding of the term when it comes to what is encompassed in a dataset used for training a generative AI model. Often, there is metadata or even identifiable information which, although possibly unintended, ends up being part of the training data. There can also be legal implications linked to the data, including systems trained on copyrighted or licensed works, or, for example, systems trained with any visual or textual information containing personal health information.