We Want Your Input on Content for IPWatchdog’s SEP Masters Program

SEP MastersIPWatchdog will host the 5th Annual Standards, Patents and Competition Masters™ program on November 14-15, 2023. The program will take place at IPWatchdog Studios in Ashburn, Virginia, approximately 10 minutes from Dulles International Airport. The purpose of this high-level, interactive, limited enrollment program is to discuss what is happening in the Standard Essential Patents (SEP) industry today, from FRAND, to bilateral licensing, patent pools, multi-jurisdiction enforcement strategies and more.

We have identified 10 possible panel topics for discussion. We are looking for comment and feedback on these topics, including any subtopics that should be incorporated into each panel discussion. We are also looking for speakers available to participate in person, as well as sponsors. Interested speakers should have a “master’s level” understanding of the issues, which generally requires a minimum of 12 years of relevant industry experience.

In no particular order, the topics identified for inclusion so far are:

  1. The Role of Standardization for Critical and Emerging Technologies
  2. Global SEP Policy and the Fight to Regulate the Future
  3. Obstacles and Impediments to Reaching a FRAND License
  4. The Role of Patent Quality in SEP Licensing
  5. What Does Europe’s Regulation of SEPs mean for Innovation?
  6. Determining FRAND: What is a Reasonable Royalty Rate for an SEP Portfolio
  7. Navigating SEP Licensing Risks and Avoiding SEP Litigation
  8. When FRAND Fails: Implementing a Global SEP Litigation Strategy
  9. SEP Litigation Review: A Discussion of the Important Recent Decisions and Developments
  10. Licensing and Litigation of Wi-Fi 6 Standard Essential Patents

Those interested in speaking this program should visit Apply to Speak. For information on sponsoring this program please visit SEP 2023 Sponsorships. If there are any other topics you believe we should include in this program please let us know either by contacting us directly or in the comments below.



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