Sponsor the IP Solutions, Services & Platforms Expo

Sponsorship Opportunities

2024 IP Solutions, Services & Platforms Expo – $10,000 per sponsor

September 9 – 10, 2024 – at IPWatchdog Studios, in Ashburn, VA

The First IP Solutions, Services & Platforms Expo will showcase up to 12 different vendors or service providers, each of whom will not only have an exhibitor booth, but who will sponsor their own individual panels on the program to discuss a topic of their choosing, which can range from a product demo to a conversation about how users can benefit from your tool and why they should be using it to make their day-to-day practice more efficient.

All sponsors will receive the contact information for everyone who registers to attend live, in-person.  We will also record each of the panels and will schedule videos replay of each of the panel presentations separately—with separate registration required. The lists of those who register for each panel will be sent to that panel’s sponsor only.  The videos will stay available through our gated registration login for at least 60 days after the panel is broadcast, so you will continue to generate leads in the weeks and months that follow.

If you would like showcase your Solutions, Services or Platform at this year’s event, please complete the following form: