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Jim Harlan

Senior Director

InterDigital, Inc.

Jim Harlan joined InterDigital in 2015, where he currently engages in mobile licensing, representing InterDigital before potential licensees to negotiate offers that have FRAND terms and conditions. When he’s not busy with licensing, Jim represents the company and its interests before policy makers at governmental agencies, administrations, and enforcers, as well as with policy committees for various SDOs, Consortia and Associations.

In addition to his duties at InterDigital, he also chairs the legal committee at oneM2M, a software IoT consortium. Further, Jim works with the U.S. State Department as an industry representative to the ITU- T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group where he promotes U.S. Government policies with other national bodies.

Prior to joining InterDigital, Jim was a licensing executive with various bespoke patent investment firms. Prior to that, Jim was Chief Compliance Officer, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary at Xtera Communications, a once publicly traded telecommunication equipment manufacturer for long-haul terrestrial and submarine optical technologies. Prior to that, Jim spent several years working at cellular equipment manufacturers specializing in standards, licensing, and patent management. Jim began his career in 1999 prosecuting patent applications and litigating patents before federal courts.

Mr. Harlan earned a JD from Wayne State University Law School, an MBA in Finance and Marketing from
the University of Texas, and a Master’s in Computer Science as well as a Bachelor’s in Chemistry, both
from Wayne State University.

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