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Dirk Tomsin

Director of Projects

US Inventor

Dirk Tomsin currently holds the position of Project Director with US Inventor, Inc. Dirk started his career in sales, leading him to a position as Commercial Director. He later went on to work in the banking sector for a Maltese bank, until his entrepreneurial spirit took over and he founded The Belgian, a sports nutrition company, and owns CrossFit Untapped in Colorado together with his wife Molly Metz, whose jump rope patents were unjustly cancelled by the USPTO. The effects of this detrimental experience led Dirk to the organization US Inventor, where he rooted himself into the education and the importance of US intellectual property rights. Dirk now uses his skills and passion for innovation, advocating for strong patent rights.

Recent Articles by Dirk Tomsin

The PREVAIL Act Won’t Work Unless PTAB Incentives are Balanced

The PREVAIL Act addresses current rules that enable gamesmanship at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) by huge corporations against small inventors, startups and other patent owners, and that increase invalidation rates. It introduces standing requirements, establishes a clear and convincing evidence standard to invalidate a patent, ensures a code of conduct is put in place for administrative patent judges (APJs), and more. While these changes are well-intended, due to the PTAB’s perverse incentive structure, the PREVAIL Act will only be marginally effective, and may have no real effect at all.

Using AI to Give Inventors a Leg Up on Big Tech

In April, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) requested public input on an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM). The Request for Comments (RFC) allowed the public to voice their opinion on the proposed rules, including hundreds of real, authentic inventors. In the past, US Inventor has asked its members to use their voices and write comments for the USPTO’s requests. Typically, these requests generate at least 100 responses from USI’s members. This time, USI decided to level the playing field and give its members a chance to speak as loudly as its adversaries. We generated nearly 2,400 real comments from inventors, patent holders and concerned individuals.