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Robert Morishita

Freelance Writer

Robert Morishita is a 1998 graduate of the SJ Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah. After an 18-year career practicing patent and trademark law, Robert is now a freelance writer focusing on law and technology.

Recent Articles by Robert Morishita

Navigating the Tempest in the Ocean of Patents on Routing and Switching Technology

Imagine setting sail on a vast ocean, marked by established sea routes governed by mighty, seasoned mariners. These old sea dogs, with their extensive map collections (akin to patents), dominate the waters, leaving little room for new explorers. This is the situation young companies often find themselves in when chartering into territories monopolized by a few dominant players. The networking industry, ruled by giants like Cisco, Huawei, Juniper, Nokia, and Ericsson, mirrors this vast ocean. The waters are thick with “patent thickets” – tangled masses of patent claims, making it hard for fresh-faced voyagers to navigate without infringing on existing patents. Moreover, the sea is marked by “standardization” lighthouses, which while guiding ships towards interoperability and quality, impose limitations on the course of innovation. These beacons can also increase the cost of compliance, posing as formidable reefs blocking the path of emerging vessels.