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Carlo Scollo Lavizzari

IP Strategy, Business and Legal Consultant

Carlo Scollo Lavizzari is a lawyer by training, dedicated to bridging knowledge and expectation gaps between cultures and markets, digital and life science technologies, business standards and laws. Carlo was educated in Switzerland and South Africa, has 20 years of working experience in Africa, Europe and the US, and is a world recognized specialist in IP law and policy.

Recent Articles by Carlo Scollo Lavizzari

Is AI’s Copyright World Flat, or Will AI Flatten the Copyright World?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is global, and copyright laws are national. Thus, some countries will have strict laws on making copies of copyrighted content to “train” an AI system while others will be more relaxed. Laws are about economics, and countries with more relaxed laws are likely to be countries with smaller creative industries and which wish to use the relaxed legal regime to attract AI investment. AI companies will use these jurisdictional differences as leverage to lobby for the relaxation of legal standards in countries with stricter laws.