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Webinar: Safe, Secure & Trustworthy AI: Using AI Today to Drive ROI and Innovation

In the last few years, rapid advancements in AI technology have captured the imagination of IP professionals around the world. Notwithstanding, the advancement of AI technologies and platforms appears to be outpacing the ability of industry to confidently identify appropriate use cases while still maintaining security, confidentiality, and trust.

It is perfectly appropriate to be cautious about the use of AI, but responsible uses and applications to safely grow and defend IP and innovation strategies is not only possible today, but it is essential. The opportunity presented by AI is too great to allow it to go unused in daily practice. So, the question is not whether you should be using AI but instead how to safely and securely use AI to facilitate innovation and drive ROI.

This webinar will cover how IP.com, a leader in AI-powered IP workflow solutions, has laid a foundation for secure, responsible, and ethical AI to drive business-critical ROI and revolutionize the industry. Attendees will receive an exclusive, early access to IP.com’s latest white paper: The Role of Responsible AI in Accelerating Innovation, and the panel’s conversation will focus on using AI today and making sure AI output is trustworthy, accurate and reliable.

Join Kris Tones, a Solutions Architect at IP.com, Jim Durkin, Managing Director of Product Management at IP.com, and Gene Quinn, President & CEO of IPWatchdog, Inc., on November 2, 2023, at 12 PM.
