Paula Giacomazzi Camargo Image

Paula Giacomazzi Camargo

is a licensed attorney in Paraná, Brazil and holds a specialization in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure. She currently works in the field of Intellectual Property, namely in cases related to Trademark, Copyrights, Trade Dress and Unfair Competition under the Trademarks & Fashion Law Department at Baril Advogados as a Legal Analyst.

Recent Articles by Paula Giacomazzi Camargo

Brazil Has Begun Accepting Applications for Position Trademarks

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) began accepting applications for position trademarks on October 1, 2021. Position marks are trademarks characterized by the particular spot in which they are placed on a product. While position marks were previously acknowledged by the BPTO and by the courts, they had yet to qualify for separate trademark registration; most brand owners registered them as figurative or three-dimensional marks.